These articles are provided for general information only.
They are intended to assist with a basic understanding of common topics, which a client can read before consulting a solicitor about the specifics of their case. They are not a subsitute for, and should not be relied upon as, legal advice.
The law changes regularly, and the information contained in these articles is not updated to account for any changes.
What Do I Do When I Receive an Adjudication Referral Notice?
Hamshaw explains what you need to do if someone starts an Adjudication against you
How Can I Avoid Paying an Adjudicator's Decision?
Hamshaw explains the limited circumstances in which you can avoid paying an Adjudication decision
Why Does Construction Adjudication Exist in England?
Hamshaw explains the reasons why construction adjudication was introduced in England and Wales
Can I Adjudicate if I am a ‘Residential Occupier’?
Hamshaw explains whether a residential occupier can adjudicate a dispute under a construction contract
Should I Adjudicate my Dispute?
Hamshaw explains the pros and cons of Adjudication, and what you need to consider before deciding whether it’s right for your dispute
Can I Ignore an Adjudication?
Hamshaw explains whether you can ignore an adjudication, and what the consequences of doing so might be
Adjudication: Is There a Dispute Yet?
Hamshaw examines what is required before a dispute can be said to have crystallised
How do I Enforce an Adjudicator’s Decision?
Hamshaw explains how to enforce an Adjudicator's decision when the losing party is not complying with it
Can I Get My Costs Back in Adjudication?
Hamshaw examines whether it is possible for the winner of an Adjudication to get the losing party to pay his legal fees.
What Do I Do When I Receive an Adjudication Notice?
Hamshaw explains what to do when an adjudication notice arrives
Which Laws Govern Statutory Construction Adjudication?
Hamshaw sets out the statutory framework that applies to construction adjudication
What are the Steps in a Construction Adjudication?
Hamshaw sets out the usual steps in a construction adjudication
What is Construction Adjudication and How Does it Work?
Hamshaw explains construction adjudication